Prequel to the Maya Rising series
A cluster of mystics with ancient powers and an impossible Quest.
A story of unbreakable bonds and found family.
A metaphysical Fantasy adventure.
And a slow-burn love story that ignites amidst the chaos of destiny and darkness.
In a world where sorcery is not welcomed, Ember, a young Fire sorcerer, is both hunting and being hunted. On the run from a dark past and searching for the four other mystics with powers that complement hers, she meets her half-brother Heng for the first time. He too has hidden powers he struggles to control and is reluctant to accept.
Together, they must cross continents and ethereal realms to unite the rest of their cluster before the approaching Upasārjanā night. Their mission is clear: to shatter the veil of illusion woven by the insidious Shadows of Sky Consciousness, freeing humanity from centuries of mental enslavement.
But this is not their first attempt.
Through countless lifetimes, the five mystics have reincarnated, driven by the same single purpose. Each lifetime has ended in their demise at the hands of relentless black sorcerers, sworn protectors of the deceptive veil. With each rebirth, their memories fade, leaving them to rediscover their shared destiny anew.
In this lifetime, they must awaken to the haunting echoes of past lives, rekindle their connection with the elemental powers that define them, and resist the forces of black sorcery in a race against time. Will this be their final stand or another turn in the ceaseless cycle of Samsara, where life and death are ever-entwined?.
★★★★★ “Perfectly aimed at young adults with imperfect pasts (who's isn't?), who are walking toward a path of heart and truth!” - Goodreads Review
★★★★★ “Gripping. Powerful. Filled with Eastern Wisdom.” - Goodreads Review
Reader Reviews
“★★★★★ "Ember begins the story as a lone-wolf type woman on a mission, which made the relationships she developed throughout the novel significant. She can't achieve what she needs to achieve alone and must learn to trust, which hit home for me.
Heng and Ember's (brother/sister) relationship was really compelling and spoke to the deep sibling connection that can rarely be explained in words. The romance between Ember and Aaric was nuanced. His embodiment of masculinity was refreshing, and the way that he was not too intimidated to play a more supportive role on Ember's quest was sweet.
I often found myself pondering the book's deeper messages during my day, which are quite subtly woven through. I feel so grateful to have found Sita's Novels. It's a big statement but I don't think any other books I've read even come close. They are the perfect blend of mystery, magic, and adventure. Thank you! And pleaseeeee keep writing!"
— Goodreads Review
★★★★★ “I was hanging to read this book after finishing 'Maya of the In-Between' and wow was I blown away. I was given an advanced copy of the book for an honest review and yet again I am speechless in an attempt to encapsulate everything Sita's writing makes me feel. The story that follows Ember's journey to unite with the four sorcerers is one of heartbreak, pure and authentic love & lust, danger and bliss. Embers character is so relatable even though she lives a very different life than most of us. Her brutal, unapologetic nature is inspiring and eye-opening and the ways in which she sees the world with newborn eyes completely sucks you into her experiences as though they are your own.
Before reading Sita's works I believed novels and fiction books to mostly serve the purpose of entertainment and as a means of escape. I mostly lent towards non-fiction as I wanted to feel as though I could take something away, like a new insight, from the book I was reading. Sita Bennett so gracefully showed me the power of storytelling, and just how much can shift when you fully allow yourself to dive into a novel."
— Goodreads Review
★★★★★ "This mix of futurism, dystopia and "new age" is a light, direct read stylistically, rather than containing complicated prose. The novel contains important spiritual truths. This prequel is darker in certain ways, than the first release in the series, Maya of the In Between. It's not too dark for teens though.
The romantic aspect of the story, as in the other book, doesn't overshadow the main story-line, which is rare in young adult novels. It fits in the story. And also surprisingly, it's clean enough for parents to be comfortable with their teens reading it.
I was uncomfortable with the protagonists easy use of violent magick (I wasn't always clear on if she was killing people or only making them unconscious), but that doesn't make the book bad. Actually, it makes it good in a way, because all good art makes someone feel something. For a teen novel, there is a lot of depth to this character.
People who have developed their empathic abilities (which everyone inherently has the ability to do, and which is different from being empathetic), will relate to that aspect of the story. I've done past life regressions where I experienced violence against me, so that was relatable too. It's also true in my experience and the experiences of others I know, that after death people are split into separate parts, and multiple pieces of people are then put together to create new people for new incarnations. In other words, the two people in this book who were once one soul makes sense to me.
The lockup and escape parts of this novel remind me of reports I have heard from acquaintances and friends of their experiences as milab victims or "supersoldiers" / augments.
The end is beautiful, and a pleasantly surprising departure from books of this type which are written for adults as well. What this group of people do at the end is based on the type of thing that multiple groups of people around the world have been doing in recent years, and many more of us are doing solo work to that effect. Let's hope it's all making a difference.
I plan to continue with this series if there are more books in it."
— Goodreads Review
★★★★★ “This book! I haven't read in years but I was gifted this book and as soon as I picked it up I didn't want to put it down. Super engaging, fast-paced, strong characters, and most of all the content is just so valuable! The way Sita can weave powerful wisdom and ancient mysticism into her writing is second to none. A true GEM. I find my mind opening when I read She Who Rose From Ashes..."
— Goodreads Review
★★★★★ "I am surprised this book hasn't got more ratings. It is a fantastic fantasy adventure story with a powerful female protagonist and deep, mystical and spiritual undertones. The romance is one to aspire to and the general themes explored are so relevant for young adults. It does not follow the grungy, angsty tropes that often drench Ya fantasy. While the characters are morally grey and imperfect, they are dedicated to paths of light. We need more stories of this nature and I hope more people find this one!"
— Goodreads Review
★★★★★ "A tightly crafted story that explores the cycle of life and death and the idea of past life trauma in an interesting, unique way.
Even though it's a fantasy, it encouraged me to closer examine some of my own experiences with unseen phenomena that I thought were outside of understanding.
The characters were complex and flawed and written with a sense of honest emotionality that made me feel like a part of their world and quest."
— Goodreads Review